
The New Wave of Fiber Optics

Written by Guest Author

Growing tremendously during the past years, fiber optics technology has been finding its way to various applications in our daily lives.  Most visibly used in signs, the arts and for decorative purposes such as in Christmas trees, few of us fully realize how much fiber optics technology contribute to bettering our lives.

Fiber optics

Bending the principle of ‘light travelling in straight lines’, fiber optics is ideally suited for targeting objects not in the direct line-of-sight; this characteristic of fiber optics lends itself useful for a wide range of applications from distributing sunlight gathered from the roof to various places in a building to bringing communication signals into our homes.

Signals carried through light or optics reach target destinations faster than those transmitted through the air or solid objects.  Light as we know it however, travels in a straight line. Through the wonders of fiber optics technology, optical signals can be made to ‘bend’ to reach places not in direct lines-of sight. By using special optical fibers and associated optical electronics, cable television companies, telecommunications and internet service providers can transmit optical signals from their ends to be received and converted to recognizable electronic signals at the consumers’ end.

Affording faster transmission speeds and better signal qualities, fiber optic cables are rapidly replacing copper wires for telecommunications and co-axial cables used for one-way analog cable television transmission systems. Computers comprising local area networks in academic institutions, business establishments, production facilities and other places are already typically connected using fiber-optics cables. As more applications are devised harnessing signal transmissions, more benefits are afforded by fiber optics technology.

Fiber optics is offered at a reasonable price and is definitely practical to use than copper which is costly. As bandwidth requires boost quickly with technical advances, fiber will always be an essential factor towards the success of telecommunications in the long run.

fiber optics

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