Social Media Twitter

30 Web Designers Worth Following On Twitter

twitter followers
Written by Guest Author

Twitter is amongst one of top social networking services available online. Launched in 2006, it is an excellent private service offering great support to people. Millions of folks get connected through Twitter and it paves good link between professionals and all classes of people in different industry verticals.

People interested in any field can get connected and become twitter followers of specific profiles. Be it any niche or any specific category you would like to get into, you can find profiles and follow such profiles. Tweets are visible by default to the public and certain restrictions can be made when it comes to just followers.

twitter followers

Twitter is not just a small platform to find a single profile. You can search millions in just clicks and turn out to be their twitter followers. Following are 30 best web designers worth following on twitter.

Collis Ta’eed – colliscollis taed

Collis Ta’eed is an awesome web designer working at Envato. He has his twitter handle as collis and finds pleasure in designing websites of different types. Each and every budding designer wishes to be like collis for his string of websites that hold great reputation for design. Currently, Collis has 24, 367 twitter followers and his profile link is


SitePoint – sitepointdotcomsite point

SitePoint is an awesome online resource for web designers and hence it is important for designers to be twitter followers of SitePoint. Sitepoint’s twitter handle is sitepointdotcom. The profile link is


99Designs – 99designs99design

99Designs serves as the best online marketplace for graphic web designs. It has twitter handle as 99designs. The profile link is


Jeffrey Zeldman – zeldmanjeffrey zeldman

Jeffrey Zeldman is an excellent entrepreneur with keen interest in web designing. He is an interesting web designer who is also a podcaster, author and speaker on web design. The twitter handle is zeldman and the profile link is


Nick Finck – nickfnick fink

Nick Finck is an excellent professional with over a decade experience in the web especially specialized in interactive designing. The twitter handle is nickf and the profile link is


Jacob Gube – sixrevisionssix revisions

Jacob Gube is the founder and editor of Six Revisions. He is such an awesome web designer who holds proficient experience in designing. The twitter handle is sixrevisions and the profile link is


Smashing Magazine – smashingmagsmashingmagazine

Smashing Magazine is an awesome web magazine for web design professionals. The twitter handle is smashingmag and the profile link is


Andy Sowards – sowardsandy sowards

Andy Sowards is a professional web designer who has more involvement in web designing. Not only his twitter account but also his blog is worth following. The twitter handle is sowards and the profile link is


Walter Apai – DesignerDepotwebdesigner depot

Walter Apai is a very familiar web designer from Vancouver, Canada known for his web design blog called Web Designer Depot. The twitter handle is DesignerDepot and the profile link is


Snook – snooksnookca

Snook specializes in all areas of web development and any professional involved in web activities can follow Snook. The twitter handle is snookca and the profile link is


Grace Smith – gracesmithgrace smith

Grace Smith is a freelance web designer based in Northern Ireland. She is known for her excellent web designs. The twitter handle is gracesmith and the profile link is


Mike Rundle – mike9rmike rundle

Mike Rundle is a web designer and developer living in NC. He developed his first site in 1996 and has great flair for designing. The twitter handle is mike9r and the profile link is


Dan Cederholm – simplebitssimple bits

Dan Cederholm is the founder of the design studio Simple Bits. The twitter handle is simplebits and the profile link is


Jon Phillips – jophillipsjon phillips

Jon Phillips is a good designer, open source developer with over a decade experience in communities and other online platforms. The twitter handle is jophillips and the profile link is


Fabio Sasso – abduzeedoabduzeedo

Fabio Sasso is a senior designer at Google. He is well known for his captivating designs. The twitter handle is abduzeedo and the profile link is


Dan Rubin – danrubindanrubin

Dan Rubin is a designer who designs usable interfaces and print works for different websites. The twitter handle is danrubin and the profile link is


Shaun Inman – shauninmanshaun inman

Shaun Inman is a very talented designer and developer who has designed a number of applications and games. The twitter handle is shauninman and the profile link is


Mark Boulton – markboultonmark boulton

Mark Boulton is a web designer based in Cardiff, United Kingdom. The twitter handle is markboulton and the profile link is


WPCandy – wpcandywpcandy

WPCandy is the freshest WordPress community offering a better space for web designers to interact and learn more. The twitter handle is wpcandy and the profile link is


Cory Miller – corymiller303cory miller

Cory Miller is a designer and founder of Six Feet Under studio based in Upland California. The twitter handle is corymiller303 and the profile link is


Sean Hodge – seanHodgesean hodge

Sean Hodge is a very passionate graphic and web designer specialized for his multi designs all over the web. The twitter handle is seanHodge and the profile link is


Dustin Brewer – dustinbrewerdustin brewer

Dustin Brewer is a professional freelance web designer who holds fame for his excellent designs. The twitter handle is dustinbrewer and the profile link is


Antonio Lupetti – woorkantonio lupetti

Antonio Lupetti is a blogger with keen interest in web designing. He shares more information to online users through his tech blog named Woork. The twitter handle is woork and the profile link is


David Airey – DavidAireydavid airey

David Airey is a graphic designer who is very much ardent about the identity for the brand using the design. The twitter handle is DavidAirey and the profile link is


Ben Bleikamp – bleikampbielkamp

Ben Bleikamp is a designer at GitHub and lives in San Francisco. The twitter handle is bleikamp and the profile link is


Jeremy Keith – adactioadactio

Jeremy keith is a developer specialized in HTML, CSS and Javascript. His website is Adactio. The twitter handle is adactio and the profile link is


Jason Walz – jasonwalzjason walz

Jason Walz is a New York based photographer who is well known for his photography creation in different styles. The twitter handle is jasonwalz and the profile link is


Max Stanworth – designsharddesignshard

Design Shard is an excellent resource for designers. It is founded and maintained by Max Stanworth. His twitter handle is designshard and the profile link is


Brian Gardner – bgardnerbgardner

Brian Gardner is a master engineer and founder of StudioPress. The twitter handle is bgardner and the profile link is


Jeff Croft – jcroftjcroft

Jeff Croft is an interactive designer based in Seattle. The twitter handle is jcroft and the profile link is

Hope you like the list. If you know someone who is worth mentioning in the list please share it with us and let us know whose twitter follower you want to be.

This article is written by Debarshi Ghosh Dastidar. He is a twitter addict and always recommends his friends and acquaintance to buy twitter followers. To know more about him send him a friend request in Facebook.

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